The Magnuson-Stevens Act (MSA) is the most important law the United States has ever passed regarding fishing. The Marine Conservation Alliance regards Magnuson-Stevens as a success and we believe it should be reauthorized, as currently written, with minimal amendments.
Magnuson-Stevens was originally enacted in 1976. The most recent iteration, enacted in 2007, adopted approaches like science-based annual catch limits, conservation of fish habitat, and the Precautionary Principle that have served our nation well in sustainable fisheries management.

- Marine Conservation Alliance provided comments on the April 3, 2014 Magnuson-Stevens Act (MSA) Reauthorization Staff Working Draft, focusing on Ecosystem-Based Fishery Management (EBFM), forage fish management, the definition of bycatch, multi-use allocation review, and the use of best available science. Read the letter sent to Senators Begich and Rubio by clicking here.